Friday, September 26, 2008

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed revisited

On my prior post I received a comment from a reader who felt that parents should not allow children to play as a "bad guy." While I respect the opinion and certainly don't condone actual violence I believe that the choice to allow a child to play as a Sith apprentice should be made by each individual parent.

The game is rated T so the majority of game players will be 13 and above. In my case my son is a teenager and I feel that he is capable of knowing the difference between playing an evil character in a video game and living life and interacting with actual human beings.

I do feel that not every child is equipped to differentiate between video game violence and real world violence and parents need to know what level that their child is at developmentally and what content video games contain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it is an excellent point that "parents need to know what level that their child is at developmentally and what content video games contain."

I understand the mom's concern and when my boys were little they didn't get to be bad guys either. I didn't want them role playing that part before they understood that bad wasn't a fun thing to be.

Once they were mid to late teens I didn't try to regulate that decision anymore. If play a Sith in a Stars Wars video game what our teens are up to we are doing just fine.